Tuesday, April 23, 2019

GIT Command fails in VPN - fatal: unable to access

Git users may face the below issue while connecting to git while they are in VPN

fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/user/MyProject.git/'

In order to over come this issue, the git config must be updated with proxy which is used in your VPN.

Open command prompt and enter the following command

git config --global http.proxy #ProxyServer:8080

#ProxyServer must be replaced with the IP or the full name of the proxy server.

Do not enter proxy server with https:\\ or http:\\

To ensure that you have configured correctly.

git config -l

This would list down all your configuration. In that list, you would find the value for http.proxy


Try using the git command after configuring the proxy settings. This time, it must work.

To unset the proxy setting, use the following command

git config --global --unset http.proxy

Happy Learning!

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